Monday, 7 June 2010

First Chinese Lang-8 entry

Yesterday marked my first Chinese entry on the Lang-8 website. Until now I have used the site exclusively for Japanese, but I decided to test the water with my Chinese with a simple entry about a visit to the park on a nice sunny day. It was short, and simple... and still needed correcting. Am I depressed about this? Not at all. I'm happy that I feel confident enough to make an entry in Chinese and I feel I know what I need to do to improve—due to my experience learning Japanese. Learning both languages certainly seems like a tall order, and I'm not convinced myself that it's a sensible idea, but I still have plenty of motivation and I guess that's what is important. My theory goes that once you know how to learn a language yourself, (that being what works for you: a good method, and the path you need to take) then picking up other languages becomes easier—it certainly seems to be the case so far for me anyway. Here's the post, and the correction in red:

Tokyo Park

Today I went to a park in Tokyo.

The weather was good.

I like to sit in the park.


  1. also try

  2. Cool, thanks for the tip. This looks like an interesting site. I'll have to check it out over the next couple of weeks.
