Monday, 16 August 2010

He's a lazy git

Continuing the function based language-exchanges today. Today's function was describing people.

This was useful, and I got the chance to go over some vocab that I hadn't used for a while, and pick up some new vocab too.

It occurred to me as I was asked for the tenth time to describe my friend/coworker/boss/girlfriend, that it's pretty much the same as when your describing people in your first language, you search around in your head for the vocab you have available to describe these people—for the most appropriate word. A case of making do with what you've got to satisfy the questioner's curiosity. How good a job you do boils down to how much vocabulary you have at your disposal.

So it was good to go over exactly how much vocab I actually do have today.

I also got advice on which words are commonly used versus ones that are not so common, which is always useful to know.

Here is a list of some of the useful vocab that I went over/learnt today.

Positive describing words:
やさしい = nice / kind
おもしろい = interesting / funny
気さく = friendly / open
真面目な = serious / diligent
行動的 = active

On the negative side:
いじわる = mean
だらしない = lazy (I'd always used なまけもの, but apparently this is more common)
気難しい = difficult (to get along with)
不真面目な = Not 真面目
内向的 = introverted

So I think another one of the benefits of this type of lesson is the opportunity to collect all of this info in one place, giving you the chance to think about what vocab you have available next time you find yourself having to describe someone, pay a compliment, order a pizza, etc.

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